Monday, January 7, 2008

Greetings from Meto Hospital....

Well, two months, three hospital visits and TWO kidney stones later, I need to continue to focus on the end result, and healthy, happy baby boy. But can I say poor Troy and Zach. They have had to deal with a not so "fun" mom and wife lately. And what is up with the "waiting game" that you get to play when you are a prisoner of the hospital. Nobody knows when or if you get to go home, and everybody that you ask says, hold on let me see what I can find out, and then they disappear forever!!! Any ways on a more positive note.......Well..........I think that I can go home today, although I have not seen the doctor yet. Anyways, they have no real good reason to keep me since I already passed the stone, and I am no longer in pain. So farewell for now, and keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks

1 comment:

dorie456 said...

Hi Rachel and Troy, I'm sorry to hear about the hospital and kidney stone stuff... :-( I hope they have not missplaced the stone this time, for analysis! I will keep all 4 of you in my prayers!
Aunt Doris :-)

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