Monday, January 28, 2008

Good Fellowship, Good Food, and Great Friends...

This past weekend we spent with the Little's in Perrinton, MI. (They used to be our neighbors when we lived in Ionia) We had a great time. Zach and Garrett got along great, as normal, and We had so much fun just hanging out. We played Nintendo Weii, wow it is actually so fun!!! This comes from the girl that never was allowed to play video games when she was young (Thanks Mom and Dad) But this is way better, Bowling, Boxing, Tennis, Golf, and who can forget Cow racing. Anyways, We had a great time, and are looking forward the the next visit with Aaron, Jen and Garrett.

Monday, January 21, 2008

We ask for help...

We as a family are asking for you prayers right now. We are trying to determine whether God is pulling us in a different direction. Sometimes things in life happen that make you really look at the choices in front of you. We have some big ones coming up that effect our future. Please pray for us and ask God to give us the knowledge to see where he is leading us. Thanks.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

P.S. Check out Zach's new Hair Cut!! Pretty Spiffy!!

The Best of Buds!!

This is Zach and his cousin Justin, aren't they two of a kind. I think they are ready to go out to the "great hunt!"

Thursday, January 17, 2008

"Look at this Tractor Papa!"

Looks like Zach takes after Troy more that we ever knew!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

As all of those small business owners know, now is tax time, and we are so busy here. I am so sorry that I have not posted new pics. Please forgive me, and I will post new ones soon. (Promise) We miss and love everyone!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Greetings from Meto Hospital....

Well, two months, three hospital visits and TWO kidney stones later, I need to continue to focus on the end result, and healthy, happy baby boy. But can I say poor Troy and Zach. They have had to deal with a not so "fun" mom and wife lately. And what is up with the "waiting game" that you get to play when you are a prisoner of the hospital. Nobody knows when or if you get to go home, and everybody that you ask says, hold on let me see what I can find out, and then they disappear forever!!! Any ways on a more positive note.......Well..........I think that I can go home today, although I have not seen the doctor yet. Anyways, they have no real good reason to keep me since I already passed the stone, and I am no longer in pain. So farewell for now, and keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

While reflecting this morning on the new year that has begun, I again realize that God works in mysterious ways. Are we doing the work that God has created us to do? Are we where we are suppose to be? Have we touched lives in the past year, and are there some that may have slipped by us in the busyness of life? I ask that as you are thinking about "New Years Resolutions" that you not lose sight of our purpose on this earth. And that we remember why we celebrate this CHRISTmas season. God Bless All and Happy New Year.

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